Monday, September 30, 2019

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions (China and Germany) Essay

Gerard Hendrik Hofstede (born October 2, 1928 in Haarlem) is a Dutch expert in cultural studies [GHW]. Hofstede (1980) surveyed 88,000 IBM employees working in 66 countries and then ranked the countries on different cultural dimensions. His research resulted in four dimensions (power distance; individualism versus collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; and masculinity and femininity). In the beginning, China was not included in this study but later Bond and Hofstede looked at Chinese values. From this research they included a fifth cultural value dimension called: long-term versus short-term orientation [SKR]. Power Distance Index (PDI) The Power Distance index shows how less powerful individuals accept and expect an unequal distribution of power. High power distance means that power is unevenly distributed; low power distance means that power is more evenly distributed [TIP]. According to Geert Hofstede’s 5 dimensions China is located in the higher ranking at 80. That means that this society â€Å"believes that inequalities amongst people are acceptable† [GER]. The Power is centralised and the management is autocratic. The subordinate-superior relationship tends to be cleaved and â€Å"there is no defence against power abuse by superiors† [GER]. This means that â€Å"people are less willing to challenge authority which is likely due to old communism beliefs which still have a strong influence on people’s behaviour† [SKR]. Managers expect subordinates to obey them. Subordinates automatically show respect and know that they have to earn their respect. They also expect to be told what to do. Therefore social interactions are formal. In general we can say that the Chinese are â€Å"optimistic about people’s capacity for leadership and initiative† [GER]. The general attitude of the Chinese is that you should not fulfil any duties beyond your rank [GER]. In class I have noticed that the status of the teacher has to be respected and privileges are expected. To listen to a different example: In China it is very common that the workers should come 15 minutes earlier to a meeting and the manager with the most power is always five to fifteen minutes later. That shows that the managers enjoy more privileges. I was able to observe that the compliance of  the hierarchy is maintained very strictly. Individualism versus Collectivism(IDV) This index shows the extent to which individuals are integrated into groups or not [TIP]. In societies with a high IDV index particularly individual rights are protected: self-determination, I experience and personal responsibility are important. In a collectivist culture with a low IDV-index contrast, the integration dominates in any kind of networks. The team spirit is much more characteristic of such a culture [GHW]. According to Geert Hofstede China is located in the lower ranking at 20. â€Å"In collectivist cultures such as China, people work together in groups and often put the needs of that group ahead of their own personal wants† [SKR]. They share responsibility. The Chinese who are doing business tend to stay with the same partners and suppliers to keep loyalty and not worsen relationships [SKR]. In China the community had always the priority. Tian xia wei gong said the ancients – under the sky everything serves the community. In the Confucian influenced social system everyone expects from the individual subordination, self-control and willingness to make sacrifices in order that the family and state can benefit from it. Individualism is a term which has always had a negative connotation in China, because people associated it with egoism. The Chinese prefer a holistic thinking. An example, if a Chinese writes his address down he will start with the country, then the city and the street and at the end his own name. The traditional Chinese medicine is a prime example for holistic thinking. Each disease is always seen in the context of the whole body. Collectivism promotes harmony. In China people focus on harmony and shun the direct confrontation. Harmony is achieved by giving â€Å"face† to others and avoiding losing your own â€Å"face†. When I talked to my Chinese friend â€Å"David Zhang† and asked him about his study he will begin in Germany, he told me that this was a family decision. Of course, it was his wish but without the consent of the family he could never study abroad. Even if he had the money for it he would not do so, because his family is much more important to him. Masculinity / Femininity(MAS) This MAS index shows the expression of the dominant values that are  established in both sexes. Hofstede ranks to the female values of care, cooperation and modesty. As masculine values ​​Hofstede defines competitive readiness and self-confidence. A high MAS index shows a dominance of â€Å"typically male† values, a low MAS index shows a dominance of â€Å"typically female† values [GHW]. ​​According to Geert Hofstede China is located in the higher ranking at 66. It is more a masculine society – a society which is success oriented. You can see it on the fact that many of the Chinese sacrifice their leisure time to work [SKR]. I have noticed that shops are open until very late at night. Officially, nowadays women enjoy the same rights as men in the workplace. The Communist Party in China has made efforts to put both genders on almost the same level. Anyway traditional Confucian thinking does not fit easily with this term of gender equality. It seems to be a bit ironic that the liberalisation policies of the last decade might have turned around many of the advances made by women under the prevalent conditions of the hard-line regimes. Through the traditional values it is the boys who have strong preferences. The men own most of the power and responsibility although there is a high level of acceptance between genders in China [SKR]. Unfortunately, women in executive positions enjoy a low appreciation. There are successful women in all fields, they are among the winners of the economic reforms, but also among the losers. If the economic situation in the factories is poor and staff is reduced, they are the first to be fired. If high school fees are too high, it is usually the daughter, who leave school and has to go to work [BUC]. Uncertainty avoidance(UAI) The UAI index shows a society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. Cultures with a high UAI, want to avoid the uncertainty and are characterized by many uncommitted laws, policies and security measures. Members are emotional and nervous. Cultures which are tolerant to accept uncertainty have a few rules that are changeable and thus tend to relativism. The members are phlegmatic and expect from their environment not to show feelings [GHW]. According to Geert Hofstede China has a low score of 30 on uncertainty avoidance. China has a high degree of acceptance of uncertainty. This society does not try to take control of the future, and therefore China’s society is not afraid of unforeseen situations [SKR]. The  Chinese consider written and oral arrangements sceptical. Contracts should be structured so that there is still the possibility to change the contract afterwards. The Chinese are very flexible. In case of conflict, a mentor is used, which takes care of the problems of both families instead of going to court. Uncertainty avoidance means for the Chinese first: What does my boss want? If he agrees with my ideas, then I can put it on. But I do not certainly know if he will like my ideas, I rather not ask him indeed I better wait for instructions. In this case, I can do no wrong, because the manager is responsible for all decisions, therefore the uncertainty is resolved. I could observe that the Chinese remain calm when unforeseen situations occur. They do not get upset about the situation. They can quickly accept the situation and adapt their surroundings. Long-term or short-term orientation(LTO) This LTO index â€Å"deals with the issue of virtue. Long-term cultures value thrift and perseverance; short-term cultures value tradition, the fulfilment of social obligations and protecting one’s ‘face’ or honour. A long-term orientation is associated with East Asian countries† [TIP]. According to Geert Hofstede China has a high score of 118. Hofstede analysed that China has the highest ranking of all countries in long-term orientation. It is 30% higher than the Asian average score. China is a country with a strong long-term orientation. It can be seen from the fact that China preferred a long-term development and indirect enforcement strategies [SKR]. According to the Chinese way of thinking it is not the shortest route that leads to the destination but the more difficult path. Therefore the Chinese can handle complex situations without a lot of stress neither they let push themselves through time. The key for the Chinese is to build up strong, reliable, lasting relationships. Before any decision is met there must be gained a certain amount of trust. Obviously this takes longer to finish a business deal. They do not like to rush into things [SKR]. Once you build up the trust and a strong relationship you can rely on it. This culture is marked by loyalty and respect. If you are willing to maintain this relationship you can trust your entire life on Guanxi. Comparison between China and Germany As you can see there are a few differences between Germany and China. In contrast to China the power is decentralised. The German culture is marked by a low power distance and the subordinates expect to be consulted as well as they expect to offer their ideas to the managers. Flashing back to my work experience I can say that I often had to take initiative. Often people are confronted with the adage: â€Å"think by yourself†. The other difference is that the management and subordinates respect each other and treat one another as equals. Usually it is as described, but there are of course exceptions. In most cases, however, I have had the experience that I had a good relationship to my boss. Compared to China, Germany has a highly individualistic society. Personal responsibility, independence, self-determination and I-experience are highly valued in Germany. A prolonged stay abroad is much respected. It shows that you can independently fulfil tasks. Companies wish to have workers with international experience due to growing globalization. That individualism counts, can also be seen in the fact that you put your name first when writing an address. This is totally different to China where you put the country at first as I have already mentioned. According to Hofstede Germany and China have the same MAS index. Mostly it is the men who hold the most of the power. I have noticed women get more and more acceptance in the man dominated business world. For example we now have a woman (Angelika Merkel) as chancellor and not a man. I can see more and more woman taking part in higher positions. Therefore I would rate Germany at 55 because there is no doubt about the increasing acceptance of women. Another example shows that a women’s quota should be introduced in Germany, which includes that at least 10% of women should sit in the top management. Furthermore Germany is a country full of bureaucracy. We have laws for almost everything, insurance companies are supposed to protect us and the institutions should regulate everything imaginable. We want to have everything controlled in order to control the future. Therefore we make contracts and then we act accordingly. This is totally different to the Chinese Culture where people like to keep the possibility to change things afterwards. The highest difference between China and Germany is the LTO index. Unlike China, Germany is more short-term oriented. Managers in Germany try to make high profits in no time. We put  truth and directness before diplomacy. Furthermore I have noticed that German employers are impatient because they want to get fast results. Criticism Unfortunately, I could not check if I would spread as much points as Hofstede because there was too less time to make an intensive investigation. However, I found out through discussions and research that Hofstede was pretty accurate with his assumptions. Furthermore, I want to mention a couple of criticisms of his study. The main point is listed by critics that the drawn samples were not representative. So in the original study(1967-1972 ) information were used from a global survey made by IBM. Thus, it is uncertain whether the system actually worked out measures of national cultures or rather differences in corporate culture between the countries. Furthermore, Hofstede’s approach ignores differences within a nation. The model treats a nation as a homogeneous state of individuals who all share the same value system. This is in most cases incorrect. In addition, criticism of the validity of the items was practiced [4]. Hofstede cites no theoretical justification for the selection of items. House and other people criticizes in particular the failure to distinguish between values ​​and behavior. This is problematic because negative values ​​and behavior are linked. Source Material: [TIP] Geert Hofstede, Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviours, Institutions and Organisations across Nations (Place: Corwin Press, 2001). [GER] The Hofstede Centre: [SKR] Hofstede comparison of Germany and China:–Q6iME-w&bvm=bv.44442042,d.Yms [GHW] Geert Hofstede [BUC] Der China Knigge ; Yu-Chien Kuan, Petra Hà ¤ring-Kuan ; September 2006 ISBN: 978-3-596-16684-8 Persons I have talked to: David King (Banker / Chinese) David Zhang (Student / Chinese) Primel (Chinese Girl who studies German) Kim Lao (Chinese Business Man / employed by an American company) Lio (Student / Chinese)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

John Donne’s poems: Holy Sonnet 10 and Meditation 17 Essay

Donne’s view of death is not one of a cynic. He is a man who regards death not as the final battle of life, but rather in the Christian sense, of it being just a transfer of the soul from the earthly plain to its final destination. He considers death not to be an event to be held in fear, but one that is to be understood. He believes so strongly in this philosophy that in Sonnet 10, he instructs people not to fear death. He insults death, personifying it as a person who has a far greater reputation than he has earned. He tells death not to pride itself in its reputation of a â€Å"mighty and dreadful† horror even though regarded so by some, as it is nothing more than an extended sleep. He reduces death to a very low level, associating it with poison, war and sickness. He further insults it by commenting on how it does not operate with free will. It is confined to the boundaries set by fate, chance, Kings, and desperate men. Moreover, drugs of poppy and simple charms can provide the same sleeping effect , if not better; and sleep is such a great source of pleasure, why would anyone be reluctant to embrace it? Death is not something to be feared or to be held in awe. â€Å"One short sleep past, [humanity wakes] eternally† to the beauty of afterlife, which is far better a life than any huma n is experiencing presently. In contrast, In Meditation 17, Donne does not imply that death is feared by some, or that it is thought to have monumental power. He comments more on the effect it has on humanity. He compares life to a book, comparing each person to a chapter in this great book of life. Again, he regards death not as the end of life, but a beginning of a new one. He parallels it to the translation of each chapter to a different language, the language of the afterlife, with each chapter awaiting the inevitable translation. And since death is just a translation, wisdom can, and must be gained from it. Donne regards death not as a loss to the person afflicted by it, but as a loss to humanity as a whole, who have lost a small, but vital part of the community. Therefore, the burden of death must be shared by all, and by sharing this grief, it is Donne’s opinion that a treasure of God’s goodwill and knowledge will be gained. Donne thinks that death is not that great of a hurdle. It is a mere stepping-stone in the process of eternal happiness. God uses death only as the transition from Earth to heaven, so it is something to be awaited and to strive to prepare for by all.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Gun ownership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gun ownership - Essay Example All these cases show how easy it is for people to own guns, irrespective of how their mental condition is. It essentially needs to be understood here that people who are often involved in such situations are victims of depression which further advocates the fact that prior allowing a person to own a gun, a proper medical and history check needs to be carried out of the concerned applicant. Such cases have led to mass scale antigovernment movements, in a bid to convince the government to take measures limit gun ownership. On the contrary, gun owners and gun ownership associations have defended their positions and lobbied in the parliament to make sure no such measures are taken which would restrict gun ownership (Legault 2008). The best solution to this problem would be to carry out through history and medical checks before issuing gun ownership permissions to applicants. Moreover, licenses should be issued for specific purpose rather than being all-purpose, thereby making sure inappropriate usage of guns is cut


ENTERPRISE AND ENTREPRENEURIAL MANAGEMENT MODULE - Assignment Example Entrepreneurs are very important as they contribute to the development of the society. One of their main contributions to the society is the generation of jobs apart form the various products and services that they offer. The marginal success rate of entrepreneurs raises various important questions – What do entrepreneurs have or do that makes them stand from rest of the crowd? Why only a very few succeed in being successful entrepreneurs? Do entrepreneurs have special personal characteristics or attributes that result in their success? This essay is aimed at answering these questions. The essay discusses the various attributes, behaviors and skills associated with the entrepreneur that is discussed in the literature. Various authors and researchers have tried to answer this question. This paper relies on their works to answer the questions raised above. Various authors and researchers have identified or argued about the characteristics of an entrepreneur. It is now a known fact that entrepreneurs have special characteristics that makes them successful in their ventures. Bygrave (2003) in his article states that it is the environment and personal attributes that shape the entrepreneurial traits in a person. Richard Branson in his acclaimed books repeatedly mentions that his success as an entrepreneur is due to his personal characters and attitude that he developed due to the challenging environment that his mother created in his early years (Branson, 2008). Richard Branson mentions various instances where he is mother created situations and made little Richard realize about the hard truths in life. Bygarve (2003) identifies 10 D’s or 10 personal attributes that can be found in entrepreneurs. Various authors have different takes on the entrepreneurial characters, but most of the characteristics collide with each other. Followi ng are the various entrepreneurial traits identified by various scholars in the literature: Dream: Dream is nothing

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Success of Capitalism through Mass Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Success of Capitalism through Mass Media - Essay Example The word ‘capitalism’ appears to have its origin in long-distance trade in the past where ships went to different islands in search of pepper or spices, with the expectation that those making the movement of the goods would benefit from the scarcity of goods in one place and abundance in another place. Since the ships need to travel and there were costs to the goods and transporting same, revenues above costs or profits from the price of sold goods were expected in return (Fulcher, 2004). However, there are also risks in not being able to recover the cost due to other factors that may come into the picture (Fulcher, 2004). Â  Capitalism may have evolved in magnitude from the old times but it is essentially referring to an economic order where there is private property ownership. It could be considered as a consequence of democracy because of the nature of political and economic rights given to individuals. Along with private ownership, the market or the law of supply and demand must be allowed to operate which entails assigning a price to each of the factors of production including land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship (Slavin, 1996). Â  The term capitalism is distinguished from communism where the means of production is owned by the state. In the capitalistic system, the market forces of supply and demand dictate what gets produced and how much it gets produced. In communism, the government as planning agency dictates what gets produced and how much it gets produced (Slavin, 1996). Capitalism is also compared to socialism as an alternative economic order. Socialism is closely related to communism since both concepts entail massive government or state intervention in terms substantial degree of government planning instead allowing market forces to function freely (Slavin, 1996).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Visual Communication in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Visual Communication in Business - Essay Example The disturbing question that emerges in this context is that should the sensitive and socially vital institutions like the prisons be exposed to the gross blunt of privatization? Should the private corporations be allowed to handle the socially crucial institutions like prisons? Pragmatically speaking, private corporations are certainly not the qualified and valid entities to be trusted with the management and administration of law and order related institutions like prisons, which serve a broader purpose in the society and hence aught to be guided by humane and ethical considerations, rather then being subjected to purely monetary targets and objectives. The very fact that the private corporations work for purely profit motives renders them incapable of being allowed to run the prisons or any other institution that is basically expected to adhere to welfare objectives and rehabilitation goals, even at the cost of incurring some losses. A realistic comprehension of this complex idea can be facilitated by the usage of various approaches to visual communication like charts and graphs, maps and cartoons and illustrations. It is imperative to understand that there exist primarily two ethical approaches pertaining to the institution of prisons. There is one school of thought that holds that the prisons should have a deterrent effect on the criminals and antisocial elements and hence the prisons should be stringent in their approach towards prisoners, so far as the availability of basic facilities is concerned. There is one another school of thought that is more contemporary and humane in its approach and holds that the prisons are the places that give the criminals a chance to pay their debt to the society. Such thinkers believe that prisoners should not only be provided with the basic amenities and health facilities in the prisons, but must also be extended the opportunity for rehabilitation and assimilation into the public mainstream in the form of vocational

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Urban Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Urban Design - Essay Example These places also include bikeways, plazas, waterfronts, view corridors, transportation hubs, and natural features, building interfaces, landmarks, squares, nodes, pedestrian ways and bridges. To maintain high quality public realm, arc must be the overall driving force. In some cities, the public realm is not an original person’s idea; some ideas are gotten from cities that the public realm has worked. Public realm has four categories: public spaces, streetscapes, parks and coastal areas. Coastal areas – these areas include all areas of land that are along or adjacent to large water bodies. Parks – these are open spaces to the community that are used as recreational facilities; parks include wadi systems, mountain ridges comprised of natural areas. Public places – include open areas that surround the community that is used for public assembly or gathering and is visible to the entire public. Streetscapes – these are elements of the streets which comprise visual objects, and they include trees, roads, sidewalks, open spaces, street furniture, benches and trees – all these combined to form the street’s character. Reasons why urban designers should pay attention to the public realm are to satisfy their clients’ needs, who include the entire public. ... Caring for the public and paying attention to the public realm example in the open squares and park is important because this is a convergence place for the interaction of the public. The ways in which the public has access to the towns or areas of interest is dictated by the mode in which the â€Å"public realm† was set. Buildings and all that encompasses the public realm should be designed in a way that maximum safety is offered and the public is at its optimum security while accessing such public places. If these places are safe, then running of business will be smooth, and everything will be flowing according to what they are planning in the short and in the long run. Attention should also be given to the ways in which the roads are designed, i.e. there should be pedestrian crosses in the roads where there is much public usage. There should be road signs along the highways, and the roads should be properly calibrated if it is a two way road. Strategies and techniques used by designers to enhance the public realm are to ensure places retain their uniqueness by not changing the place’s physicality, making sure that development does not greatly interfere with the way the layout of the street is. Designers enhance this by holding open forums with the public where they discuss emerging issues in their cities, towns, villages or places of their dwellings. In their discussions, they come up with ways to solve the emerging issues or find solutions to their problems. Other strategies that designers use are acquiring ideas from places with well descent established public realm and incorporating the ideas into places where it has not been tried. Though this

Monday, September 23, 2019

Hazard of your choice Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hazard of your choice - Lab Report Example While the centre of the storm is the calmest with light winds, the further parts of the storm are very violent. When this comes to land, it leads to heavy rains, large waves and strong winds that can damage property, land, buildings, trees, cars and result into heavy flooding leading to loss of animals and human life. The magnitudes of the impacts of hurricanes can be understood from the meteorologists â€Å"Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.† In this scale, the magnitude of hurricane is categorized in a scale of 1-5, however, this scale do not address the impacts of such magnitudes. According to Kislow (21), category one consists of winds ranging from 74-95 mph and result into minor damages to property, falling debris, limited flying and minor injuries to people and animals. Category 2 consists of winds ranging from 96 to 110 which have potential to result into heavy property damage. According to Kislow (21), this category of hurricanes consist of winds with high velocities which carry debris thus poses threat to animals, humans and significant damage to apartment buildings, mobile homes, shopping centers and result into extensive power outages. Category 3 consists of heavy winds of approximately 111 to 130 mph and can result into extensive property damage. This category of hurricane has potential of destroying even well built homes, cause extensive inland flooding and damage to electricity and water sources and lines. Category 4 hurricane consists of winds ranging from 131 to 155 mph and can cause serious catastrophic damage to humans, property and animals. As stated by Vecchi et al (5341), it can cause significant catastrophic damage to apartments, frame homes, as well as shopping centers and include long term water shortages and power outages of up to few months. Category five consists of winds that ranges from 131 to 155 mph and can course complete destruction to property, apartments, trees, shopping malls, and land. It is also important

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Twentieth Century Drama Essay Example for Free

Twentieth Century Drama Essay The inspector is interrogating the Birlings and Gerald Croft. He is trying to get the truth out of them without letting on that he already knows everything. I think that some of the characters have changed for instance Sheila; she knows that the inspector already knows that Mrs Birling turned Eva away when she came for help. Sheilas realisation of what the inspector is doing is quite clear when Mrs Birling is denying the fact that Eric is the father of Evas unborn baby, and Sheila says stop it mother, stop it, as Sheila already knows that the inspector knows this. Some of the most dramatic moments in the play are Sheilas obvious understanding of Mrs Birling ignorance that it was Erics baby. Sheila was horrified the Evas unborn baby was dead. Whereas Mrs Birling doesnt really care. Another dramatic point in the play is when Eric returns and the curtain falls, this causes great tension within the audience again. I believe that J. B Priestleys purpose in writing the play may be because of social injustice, he obviously had a strong belief in treating people equally and to be careful of how you treat them and he is trying to get this across to the audience. He expresses his feelings in this scene through the characters especially with Mrs Birling. It is obvious that Mrs Birling is not ashamed of what she has done, but the inspector is trying to make her aware of this. I also believe that J. B Priestley uses the inspector as a mouthpiece, the inspector is trying to communicate the same message as J. B Priestley is to the audience. I think that at that at the end of Act 2 when the curtain falls the audience would feel anxious about what is going to happen next. Priestley must be successful if the audience experiences this tension. This scene is a crucial part of the play because before now we didnt know that Eric was the father of Evas unborn baby and that Mrs Birling knew Eva Smith, but near the end this is all revealed. At the end of the play the inspector makes a speech that finally changed Eric and Sheila, it altered their perspective in ways such as, to treat people with respect and treat them fairly. This could be reflected in the audience, as the Birling family were of a high class and the majority of the play who came to see this play was also of the same standard so they could relate to the plays events. The audience may think that they have done something terrible in the past like the Birlings had done and might think more carefully next time. I think that J. B Priestley has been completely successful with this play as a piece of theatre because of the above reasons.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Scrooge over the two-day period Essay Example for Free

Scrooge over the two-day period Essay The amount of money to the Charity man; he is a changed man. He has a total change in his personality; he even plays a joke on Bob pretending to be miserly and then lights a large fire and helps Tiny Tim. Scrooge loses respect from his colleagues after using most of his money on charities. What picture do we get of Victorian London? We get a vivid description of Victorian London and the customs practiced in London during the 19th Century. Poverty is widespread, being of the middle class is popular and a small population holds the large potion of wealth. Social class dictates life and there is seldom movement within the classes basically everyone is out for themselves. Dickens gives a classical description of the London streets. There was no tinsel, but lots of greenery. All the shops were open until lunchtime on Christmas Day, because servants had to work to prepare Christmas lunch, Bakers, for example, worked a half-day on Christmas day cooking the Goose. From Dickens descriptions it was a strongly Christian society. No one would marry young, it was thought that you had to live life first and then marry. This usually meant older men marrying younger girls. Women were expected to give birth until they died, this meant most women would die during childbirth. From Dickens description he gives the impression that people no longer remembered country customs after moving to the city. When Dickens describes the behaviour and attitude of the people at the time, he is playing with words but giving an interesting insight of life at the time as well; There were great, round, pot-bellied baskets of chestnuts, shaped like waistcoats of jolly old gentlemen, lolling at the doors, and tumbling out into the street in their apoplectic opulence. The city was a contrast; the new buildings went hand in hand with horribly overcrowded slums where conditions were of the poorest standard. Because of the rise in population the basic needs of citizens were put at risk. In 1848, the great Potato Famine struck Ireland, this led to over 100, 000 impoverished Irish fleeing their native land and settled in London, making at one time up to 20% of the total population of the city. London was not a nice place to be in the Victorian period because of the Great Stink. The combination of coal-fired stoves and poor sanitation made the air heavy and foul smelling. For all the economic expansion of the Industrial Revolution, living conditions among Londons poor were appalling. Children as young as five were set to work begging or sweeping chimneys. Dickens himself did much to make the plight of the poor in London known to the liberate classes with his novels, notably Oliver Twist. In 1870, those efforts bore some fruit with the passage of laws providing compulsory education for children between the ages of five and twelve. What does the story reveal about Dickens? Dickens was outgoing, playful and loved to party, much like Fezziwig, the character Dickens created that taught Scrooge how to party. This is shown in his writing, particularly his love for playing with words. Dickens love of playing with words is showing in the last paragraph, He had no further intercourse with spirits, but lived upon the Total Abstinence Principle. (He meant that Scrooge would no longer drink spirits. ) Dickens writes on a very personal level, he writes the Cratchits family life from his won experience. He is a very physical writer but he also has a childish nature. He makes everything young, for example Scrooges Clerk, which shows his childish outlook. Dickens shows his character through his writing, he likes the absurd and the grotesque. He takes everything to its extreme, piling up sentences and playing with language. Dickens shows his joviality and delight in life through his writing; he also shows that he is very sentimental. He personifies things as much as he can, for example he describes the ice as being Misanthropic Ice and gives Scrooges house a childish nature saying it must have run there when it was a young house, playing hide and seek with other houses. This shows the physicality of his writing and he involves all the senses. Dickens starts the story in a very moral way and continues like this throughout, with the focus being on money, this is getting his message across from the beginning. The reason for this strong message was because of Dickens own background. He lived in poverty (like the Crachits) and he was sent to the blacking factory whilst his family went to the debtors prison. He starts the story with Once upon a time making it feel like a fairy tale but also being very accurate. He has great presence in his writing, he is almost writing a moral fable. He chats with his audience creating a humorous relationship between himself and his audience. Dickens also veers from the main story line and goes into tangents of a philosophical or descriptive nature, which I feel reflects his thoughts while writing the book. He ends the story with a reference to God, God Bless us everyone, this may or may not be a reflection on Dickens believes but it did obviously have some significance otherwise he would not have ended the story in this way. The Moral of the book is Christmas is the symbol of everything that is good. Which is what Dickens wanted to promote, involving his idealisation of Christmas being about children. Dickens changed the meaning of Christmas to what we know it as today. In 1815, Christmas was not an important event for children. Jane Austen writes about a couple going to stay with relatives for Christmas, she obviously saw Christmas as not being an important time for children, which in 1815 it was not. However, Dickens soon changed this and Christmas today is now centred about children, which is what Dickens wanted to achieve.